Trucks / Trailer
Europe (Continental): Poland
71-441 Szczecin Poland
Price on Request


== Information in English ==
* ENG * For sale Berger N 34. Description in English below.
* RUS * ????????? Berger N 34. ???? ??????????? ???????? ?? ??????? ?????.
* PL * Do sprzeda?y Berger N 34. Zapraszamy tak?e klientów z zagranicy.
****** ****** ****** ****** ******
This machine is ready to work straight after purchase. The machine was used in the company for 3 years. No leaking, nothing to fix, good and strong machine.
- We can arrange transport of this machine to Your yard, at a very reasonable price.
- Location: Poland [post code] 05-502 Piaseczno Mazowieckie, [city] Piaseczno Mazowieckie. We invite you with a mechanic. There is nothing to hide. A service or an expert can be sent to the inspection.
- Year of production: 2012
- More information in English will be provide at telephone: (0048) 570 188 117 or e-mail:
****** ****** ****** ****** ******
- ?????? ?????? ? ?????? ????? ????? ???????. ?? ??? ?????? ?????????, ??????? ????? ???????? ??? ????????? ??? ??? ???????.
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- ???????????????: ??????, ???????? ??????: 05-502, ?????: Piaseczno Mazowieckie [??????? ??????????]. ?????????? ???????? ?????? ? ?????????????. ?? ?????? ?? ???????? , ?? ??????. ??? ??????? ????? ????????? ????????.
- ??? ???????: 2012
- ????? ?????????? ?????????? ????? ????????, ???????? ???? ??????? ?? ??????????? ?????: (??? ?????)
-?????????? ???? ?? ???????? ? ????????? ??????: ???.: +48 570188117
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****** ****** ****** ****** ******
- Oferta Warta Przemy?lenia. Maszyna jest u?ytkowana w firmie 3 lata. W gotowo?ci do pracy od razu po zakupie.
- Do ogl?dni?cia: PL 05-502 Piaseczno Mazowieckie. Zapraszamy z mechanikiem. Nie ma nic do ukrycia, dlatego bez obaw na ogl?dziny mo?na przys?a? rzeczoznawc? lub serwis, który wszystko dok?adnie sprawdzi.
- CENA NETTO: 120 000 PLN
- Rok produkcji: 2012
- Wi?cej informacji pod telefonem: 57 018 81 17
- naczep? niskopodwoziow? Berger model N 34
- Nie odpowiadamy za ewentualne b??dy lub nieaktualno?? og?oszenia. Niniejsze og?oszenie jest wy??cznie informacj? handlow? i nie stanowi oferty w my?l art. 66, paragraf 1. Kodeksu Cywilnego.
== Informatie in het Nederlands ==
manufacture_date: 2012
state: used
manufacture_date: 2012
state: used
manufacture_date: 2012
state: used


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(Similar models of the same year with comparable operating hours.)