1100 EH1100 EH
Agriculture / Municipal Vehicles / Sweeping Machine
Europe (Continental): Italy
42019 Pratissolo di Scandiano Italy 42019 Pratissolo di Scandiano Italy
Used Used
Price on Request


If you have a problem of dust, Dulevo 1100 industrial sweeper is more than a solution. It's an extraordinary opportunity. Heavy duty rider industrial sweeper designed to work in very dusty environment. It is able to pick up from fine dust to large gravel. Dulevo 1100 is the ideal sweeper for heavy industrial applications. It is also ideal to be used in every public or logistic areas such as warehouses, loading docks, parking etc.

Year of production: 2013

Working hours: 122
The industrial sweeper Dulevo 1100 features all an industrial sweeper needs to be productive: large hopper, high power, outstanding sweeping result and very performing suction system.
The action of the brooms throws the dust and the debris into a large capacity hopper.
The dust is controlled and aspirated by a powerful turbine that blows clean air through a high performance filter.
The dust filter is made of a special filtering fabric that ensures zero dust emission into the environment and releases only clean air.

The Dulevo filtering system is designed not only to retain the finest dust up to 3 micron but also:
• to allow a huge suction
• to be very difficult to clog
• to be very easy to clean
• to be very long lasting

Cleaning path mm 1100
Garbage tank capacity lt 220
Dumping system hydraulic
Dumping heigth mt 1,325
Filtration % 99
Engine brand BEST MOTOR
Power Batteria 36 V
Weight Kg 500
Size cm 199x123x140